Sunday, September 12, 2010

Something hard to see...

I just found these while transferring pictures from my cell phone to my computer. This was my final project for the lecture portion of my Fibers & Dying class. We had to design a product and I came up with this curtain. I really liked it, but I no longer have the original and these are the only images I have of it, so I'll go ahead and put them up even though they aren't very good.

Ink and Watercolor, approximately 6 x 5 inches

The first is mid painting, the second is once it was finished. I really wish I had the original. And the Nintendo character-inspired yarns I spun for my lab class. Curses.

Edit: Also, I don't konw why the images are cut off like that. Hopefully I can figure out something, until then though, you're going to have to click on it to see the whole thing. Sorry!

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